Monday, July 19, 2010

trust, loyal and dignity.

well.. apa tak orang pk mun aku da nulis 3 magical words nak ya? haha! seems like shit (well, maybe not all of you) to me, but hard to get from me. whaddaya think? if you want me to give those 3 words for you, you have to gain it 1st from me. got it?

trust. mun maok aku cayak ngan ko, gain it from me, not ask from me. cemney nak molah aku cayak ngan ko? well, it's easy to gain it from me. well, sikkan la nak madah nak? :)

loyal. you loyal to me, loyal friends, loyal to anything, i will be thousand times loyal than you. :)

dignity. once aku da cita, keep it. DO NOT TELL ANYONE. tok sik, bila aku cita, nya cita ngan orang laen. sekda oleh ko mun ko cita hal aku ngek. bodo. palak asuk.

end. tired of internet. wish no internet in this world.

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