Wednesday, May 19, 2010

no boss mode.

haha. dikesempatan ini saya ingin menaip sesuatu dalam blog saya. :p hehe. :p paham2 la mun da tajuk kat atas ya ar :p hehehehe. :p so apa yang perlu ditulis? ha! :p walaupun mood agak spoil pagi tadik, tapi tetap senyum. k apa ngenang2 hal nak memiluk kan ati tol sik? hehe. :p

.. pa nak ditulis?

.. well, this is why i hate blog. da nama kenja nak molah blog. :p

.. still thinking..

.. well, looking at my YM, da same ppl i used to chat. bosan!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

when will i write my blog?

tah. if i wanna write, i'll write. simple enuff? but mostly i will write about FRIENDS.

"lapar sorang2, kenyang ramai2."

"your problem is my problem. my problem is MY problem."


haha! shit, dont know. :p but i will. damn my blog is so damn boring.

my first time.

hum. i used to have blog. dont know why, i've made another blog. (such a waste!). come to think of it, why people love to make blog? no reason. but today, i create this crap. duh! :p i dont mind if you guys dont wanna read what i'm trying to type into my blog. i dont mind at all. it's juz CRAP. so please leave my page. :p haha!

salam perkenalan. saya apisz ashari, 25 tahun dan berasal dari kuching, sarawak. :p skema da jak.